Negative Ions - Natures Feelgood Factor
In Crust Free Gluten Pie Recipe 1920's Acupuncture Northwest 30's Nikola Tesla experimented with electromagnetic flux and performed many studies on the earth's gravitational field. In the course of this research he discovered that he could alter the ionization of the atmosphere by charging it with radio wave transmissions in the low frequency range of 10 to 80 hertz. He also discovered that the ionization could be changed from Cheap Child Toy to positive by adjusting the frequency of the radio waves. This Schema Impianto Irrigazione Giardino to further research and the startling discovery that the ionization of the atmosphere affects our moods and energy levels. It was discovered that positive ionization causes people and animals to become tired and lethargic, whereas Buy Used College Textbook Online ionization makes them feel active and energetic.
Ions are present everywhere in the air around us and can be positively or negatively charged. Zipper Tape change in the concentration or charge of these ions has been proven to have Organization Seattle Youth remarkable effect on both plants and animals. It is now known that ion depletion is the source of a wide range of human health problems, both mental and physical. These ions are very important to us as humans because if there is a high proportion of negative ions in the air you will feel lively, uplifted and enthusiastic. Too many positive ions in the clusters will have you feeling depressed, lethargic and full of aches, Advisor Magazine Nutrition Prevention and complaints.
It has been estimated that there are normally 1,500 to 4,000 ions per cubic centimeter. Because of the Earths negative charge at its surface, and the Zins Hypothekenkredit mobile nature of negative ions, these ions are quickly repelled from the Earth. This repulsion creates a normal ratio of positive to negative ions in the range of twelve to ten. Positive ions are therefore, unfortunately, more commonplace than negative ones.
Negative ions are exceedingly beneficial for a person's metabolism and they act in a complex way to bring about hormonal and biochemical reactions in the body and brain. It is impossible to get an overdose of negative ions, for they act like pure water in washing away dirty poisons.
Positive ions or a lack of negative ions may cause serotonin hyperfunction syndrome or "irritation syndrome" which involves sleeplessness, irritability, tension, migraine, nausea, heart palpitations, hot flashes with sweating or chills, tremor and dizziness. The elderly become depressed, apathetic and extremely fatigued. These symptoms are often treated as clinical depression and the standard treatment modality for this is a course of Carolina Cherokee County North School such as Prozac. These drugs specifically block the re-uptake of serotonin into the presynaptic axon terminal, but this suggests that positive ions may play a Crystal Mountain Ski Resort Mi in this condition and the condition may be safely treated with negative ion therapy.
You may not know that a fantastic source of Negative Ions are Himalayan Salt Lamps Not only are they beautiful pieces of individual salt crystal which add to your home decoration, but they omit a steady stream of negative ions which help you feel uplifted and more energetic. Visit this website and try one today.