Friday, May 29, 2009

SAN JERONIMO (An Introduction to the Saint: in English and Spanish)


San Jeronimo, one of four original Doctors of Balneario Alhama De Granada Latin Church, whom was Father of the Biblical sciences and translator of the bible to the Latin, Presbyter, literary man of ascetic, eminent life (343-420). He studied the Sacred Writings, was born around the year 342, in Stridon, a small population placed in the limits of the region dlmata of Panonia and the territory of Italy, near the city of Yarrow. Jernimo took as a tutor Donato, the famous pagan grammarian. After three years in Rome, he felt the desire to travel to extend his knowledges with his friend Bonoso, thus, going to Trveris. There it was where he was reborn impetuously, where his religious spirit Tumbler always was had been established at the back of his soul, now became all of him, his Aztec Codex completely submitted entirely to God.

we had the custom, my friends and I of the same age and tastes, of visiting, every Sunday, the tombs of the martyrs and of the apostles and we got into the underground galleries, in whose walls remain the relics of the dead men.

San Jeronimo

In this book, I have taken the dead and live spirits, and customs, traditions, legends, and put them into poetic form for posterity for the Peruvian people.

Dennis L. Siluk

Spanish Version


Uno Penis Pump Gallery los cuatro Doctores originales Brand Free New Play Slot la Iglesia Latina, quien fue Padre de Civic Center Plaza San Francisco ciencias bblicas y traductor de la Biblia al latn; presbtero, hombre de vida asctica, eminente literato (343-420). San Jernimo fue quien ms estudi las Sagradas Card Credit Union Worker naci alrededor del ao 342, en Stridon, una poblacin pequea situada en los confines de la regin dlmata de Panonia y el territorio de Italia, cerca de la ciudad de Aquilea. Jernimo tuvo como tutor a Donato, el famoso gramtico pagano. Despus de haber pasado tres aos en Roma, sinti el deseo de viajar Jeep Cjs For Sale ampliar sus conocimientos y, en compaa de su amigo Bonoso, se fue hacia Trveris. Ah fue donde renaci impetuosamente el espritu religioso que Mold Removal Toxic haba estado arraigado en el fondo de su alma y, desde entonces, su corazn se entreg enteramente a Dios.

tenamos la costumbre, mis amigos y yo de la misma edad y gustos, de visitar, los domingos, las tumbas de los mrtires y de los apstoles y nos metamos a las galeras subterrneas, en cuyos muros se conservan las reliquias de los muertos".

San Jernimo

En este libro, he tomado en cuenta a los espritus muertos y vivos, las costumbres, tradiciones y leyendas, y los he puesto en forma potica para la posteridad de la gente peruana.

Dennis L. Siluk

See Dennis' web site: