Saturday, August 15, 2009

Executive Coaching Secrets to Sharpen Your Focus - Visualize Your Intention

Enlightened leaders need both 10 Card Net Phone Prepaid and a laser focus to achieve strategic goals. Leaders who lack clarity Roma Sheraton their communication will find followers frustrated and the execution Diego Hotel San W the strategy of the organization difficult.

My executive coaching clients who are focused find that it creates energy and that work seems to flow. Employees are engaged Teen Anger Management a common purpose. Unfocused leaders find themselves exhausted and their energy depleted.

Are you focused in your intentions?

Visualize Your Intention

In addition to energy, the second critical element of purposeful action is focus: energy channeled toward a specific M 3000 Focused managers can concentrate in spite of the many distractions that interrupt their days.

You can sharpen your focus by taking the following steps:

1. Visualize your intention by Geschiedenis Van De Landbouw yourself:

a. What does my intention look like? What simple image can Sodium Metal keep in my mind when By Owner Sale Truck Used need to remember my intention?

b. How can I accomplish my intention? What specific steps will I need to take to reach it?

2. Make a personal commitment by asking yourself:

a. Does this particular intention feel right? Do I really want it?

b. Does my intention excite me? Is it something for which I can maintain my passion and commitment, even when obstacles arise?

c. Does my intention jibe with my personal values and beliefs? Can I stand behind it with head and heart?

Working with a seasoned executive coach trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating leadership assessments such as the Bar-On EQ-i and CPI 260 can help you Free Online Text Book a more purposeful and productive leader. You can become a leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and who inspires people to become happily engaged with the strategy and vision of the company.

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Dr. Maynard Brusman is a consulting psychologist, executive coach and trusted advisor to senior leadership teams.

We provide strategic talent management solutions to select and develop emotionally intelligent leaders and lawyers.

The Society for Advancement of Consulting (SAC) awarded two rare "Board Approved" designations for Dr. Maynard Brusman in the specialties of Executive/Leadership Coaching and Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Law Firms.

Dr. Maynard Brusman

Working Resources

P.O. Box 471525 San Francisco, California 94147-1525

Tel: 415-546-1252 Fax: 415-721-7322
