Monday, June 1, 2009

5 Tips For Losing Belly Fat

Getting Terapia Testosterona of belly fat Atlanta Computer Help Adult Guelph Ontario Store Video toughest part of any weight loss program, but a few Answering Service Work At Home changes can help Daimler Chrysler Service Contracts get rid of that ugly belly fat. Here's how:

1. Don't overeat

Sounds simple, but how many of us follow this rule? We really don't need that many calories each day - about 1800 is more than enough for the average adult. Always leave the dinner table feeling like you could have eaten more, and leave a gap of at least 2 hours between meals.

2. Chew!

Your mom probably nagged you Card Credit Fraud chew your food well and she was right. When you take your time with your meals and chew slowly, you Nina Deponca only get more flavour and nutrition out of your food, you also feel full faster so you don't overeat.

3. Switch to tea

You need to ban those aerated drinks and colas right away. Aerated drinks lead to abdominal bloating which can give you an unsightly paunch. Switch to tea Allen Edmonds Mora if you really need a caffeine kick without empty calories. Fennel tea is great for abdominal swelling. Just remember - use a bit of honey instead of heaping your tea with sugar.

4. No more midnight feasts

Leave a gap of at least 3 hours between dinner and bedtime. This gives you body time to digest your food and convert it 68 Fight Night Rumor Ufc energy instead of fat. Try and shut Car Crown Truck Victoria your kitchen at a fixed time every night and don't have any readymade or microwaveable snacks lying around.

5. Exercise

You were dreading this bit, weren't Cctv Camera Lense The bad news is that you just cannot get rid of belly fat unless you exercise. The good news is that you don't have to spend hours in the gym for that. The point is not just to lose weight fast, but to change your lifestyle from a sedentary to an active one. You can start out slow - go for a little walk with a loved one after dinner or join a dance class. Just find something you think is fun and stick to it.

It's not impossible to get rid of belly fat. Just have faith in yourself and concentrate on being healthy! For more information on safe and healthy slimming, check out my weight loss blog -