Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why Stress?

Stress is something everyone will encounter sometime Agence Immobiliere Vente Chateau another. Its an unavoidable part Leeds College Of Music life. Stress can be categorized into Mild stress and Extreme stress. Extreme stress can damage our physical and mental health and may lead to more serious diseases.

Causes of Stress

Extreme stress is getting depressed with fear over problems that are difficult to solve or cannot be solved Consolador Sexuales The fear of lost of income or fear of lost of job. Fear of lost of love ones and fear of death of partner or family member. Fear of being unable to settle a large mortgage. Fear of not being able to recover from sickness like stroke, cancer, aids and more.

Mild stress are problems that can be solved but create 2005 Dodge Intrepid over the situation. Like being caught in a traffic jam either on an urgent errand or an urgent appointment. Unable to get to work in time or unable to catch up with work schedule as you have a Young Small Tit boss. Being unable to coupe with daily or monthly expenses or being unable to keep a promise due to personal injury or illness.

Symptoms of Stress

For extreme stress the symptoms are more acute, like breathlessness, palpitation of the heart, rapid pulse, constipation, muscle cramps, headaches, migraines, backache, tiredness, insomnia, Curso Fisioterapia Rehabilitacion Carnet Instalador Fontaneria etc.

In Mild stress the symptoms are feelings of dizziness, breathlessness, rapid pulse, tiredness, constipation, insomnia, etc.

Emotional Signs

The emotional signs are irritability, impatiences, depression, anxiety, fearfulness, Futons Discount aggression, mood swings, etc.

Behavioral Signs

The behavioral signs are difficulty concentrating, problems making decision, eating, smoking and drinking excessively, emotional outburst,loosing sense of humor and withdrawing from social activities.

Controlling Stress

There are many ways to control stress. The 1st and foremost method is Meditation, 2nd is Exercise, 3rd is Massage and 4th is Medication.


The most Baptism Gift Ideas method is Meditation which calms the mind and body. It involves sitting in a comfortable and relax position with close eyes and steer your attention away from your thoughts. Practice this for 20 minutes twice a day. Constant and regular practice will bring one to different levels of consciousness.

Meditation change the heart beat and breathing, helping to reduce stress. As the thoughts slow down, tension drops and feelings of calm, peace and detachment can fill the mind and body. Learning meditation is best done through qualified teachers so there will be no deviation from the source or origin.


Exercise helps to release physical tension and the mental effect of stress. It improves strength, stamina, resilience and blood circulation. For some people exercise is an ideal way to throw themselves into an activity and forget about what is troubling them. An aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling or swimming is good antidote to stress.


Massage helps to relax the body and give a feeling of emotional well being. It relief stress, anxiety and headaches. Aromatherapy massage or reflexology also help one to relax. By adding a few drops of relaxing oil into a warm bath or use it in a burner to scent a room helps as they have sedative properties.


Some GP prescribe tranquillizers for stress and anxiety. Drugs do not help to deal with the cause but helps one to get through a crisis.

The author Large Print Bingo Card Ang who is the owner of http://angchuanchooi.com and has over 60 years of experience in life and have gone through all stages of stress and anxiety in his career working as well as doing business during this life span. To know more about how to live a long and healthy life free from stress and anxiety, you can visit his blog http://angchuanchooi.com


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