Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog Post Comments - 4 Ways to Make Yours Better For Internet Marketing Success

Commenting on other blogs is one of the great ways to do no cost internet marketing--if you know how to do it right, with intelligence and proper netiquette. Here are four ways you can learn to do a great job when you do your blog post comments:

1. Say something constructive!

Kudos are always nice, and even an intelligent opinion from someone who disagrees with something that's said is okay, but don't just make general bland blog comments like "nice blog". All bloggers know that you're probably just seeking a link back to your own web site, but have some point of view that showed you bothered to read the Gratis Prono Film Otherwise, you may also be considered a spammer and your moderated blog post will never see the light of day.

2. Keep it on the short side

Make your points a paragraph, or two maximum, unless you really have something very significant and different to share. I've seen people try to write "War And Peace" at times in their comments it seems--maybe just a tad overkill.

3. Don't put a web site URL or your e-mail address at the bottom of your comment

99% of all comment forms on blogs allow you to hyperlink your web site from your name, so no need to repeat it. If people want to see who the cool comment is from, they'll click on it. And never do a visible e-mail address--you'll just get spam galore with e-mail address harvesters giving each other high-fives all over the internet.

By the way, I think it's okay for authors to indicate that they are, as well as to note their book title at the bottom of their comment (e.g. Jane Doe, Author of "The Jane Doe Chronicles"), especially if it helps establish your credibility for making a certain point.

4. Mention your own product, service, podcast or blog if it truly is a helpful resource specific to that blog post, otherwise let your hyperlink take care of it.

Case in point, it's okay to mention you liked the blog owner's post and thought the point on "X" was great, and on your own blog you've got a post on 5 more ways to do that same thing. It's not okay to say "have you tried my MLM's product" when it's a health drink, and the blog post you commented on was about electronics. Doing so makes you look dumb, and it's downright rude according to netiquette. Be better than that!

And now I'd like to invite you to check out my What You Know Is Worth More Than You Know Podcast that teaches you more no cost internet marketing tips like these, as well as how to make the maximum possible money from what you know, working legitimately from home as an infopreneur. You can get free, immediate access to all the episodes by going to

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