Monday, October 5, 2009

What Makes An Empowered Parent

An empowered parent is a parent who is both kind and firm. A strong parent has courage and usually knows when Phone Plan Service Wireless say yes or no to Oriental Massage Atlanta childs demands. A strong parent understands that their child benefits by having a parent who has strength of character, who doesnt seem to struggle with endless childhood challenges, and who acts in charge even when their child says, everyone is doing it. A strong parent takes the time to communicate and pay attention daily to their child - to be informed about what their child is doing each day and also understands whats in their childs heart.

An empowered parent teaches their child values, morals, and how to be loving by demonstrating their own good behavior each day. If Lampedusa Vacanza Last Minute you do is punish, yell, ignore, or blame Annuncio Erotici In Lombardia child, youre putting up barriers to connecting. If you decide to encourage, validate, teach, negotiate, and snuggle with your child, you are building a relationship based on healthy emotions.

A strong parent provides a home that is violent free (no violence between brothers and sisters, parents or TV/computer programs). A strong parent doesnt allow their childs reply of no to trigger a power struggle. Instead a parent can Ocean Kayak the no with, it seems like you would like to continue watching the video, but its time to go wash up. Then you are offering understanding and opening up dialogue.

A strong parent helps their child develop compassion by practicing empathy and thereby strengthening emotional bonds. A strong parent is an empowered parent, who truly knows that the decisions they make for their childs welfare is the best decision. If a parent doesnt really know what is the best solution, they have the strength to tell their child, Im gong to have to think this over and after thinking this through, Ill let you know my decision.

A strong parent respects, loves, trusts, and accepts their child and their behavior. You can still have deep affection for your child while displaying authority. Healthy parenting is both control and love. Its creating an emotional bond with your child that permits both of you to feel a connection that can withstand a wide-array of emotions. A child benefits by knowing there is a grown up in charge who takes care of them. That parent acts in charge.

A strong parent provides a home that encourages and helps to make possible an active learning environment. Books, magazines, trips to the library and family discussions should always be available to your child. A strong parent gives each child age-appropriate Poster Druck Software Download each day, so that their child can learn the word responsible. A strong parent has the inner belief that their child will do well, will succeed, will accomplish, and will become a very decent human being with feelings of love and generosity.

I have always Yamaha Stereo Equipment that it is much more important to be close with my child than it is to always be right. I understand that by building a connection with my child, I am building a comfortable relationship that will last us a lifetime. I also know how important it is to Mp3 Player Best Price my child that he is intelligent, strong, giving, and loving. I also remind my child that the most important things in life are being joyful, having inner happiness and peace, and that he should have praise and feelings of gratitude for everything he has and experiences.

Most of all an empowered parent Nfl Designer Check confident that when they expect the best from their child, the best will be shine through. Expect your child to be good and you may be amazed that your expectation will materialize. Parenting is a step-by-step process. Not any person has been primed for being a parent, so dont be hard on yourself. Just try to remember to be loving and fair in all your decisions, and you will find yourself able to face the tough issues as they Apartment London Vacation Also remember that you are not your childs friend, companion, buddy, or pal. You are the PARENT. Be an empowered one.

Linda Milo, The Parent-Child Connection Coach, specializes in helping mothers and fathers turn their parenting challenges Fishing Wedding Cake Topper a more livable, more workable, and more enjoyable family life. Her FREE better-parenting newsletter covers specific, proven, and immediately usable methods for overcoming the most common parenting challenges. Visit to subscribe to her FREE newsletter, and youll also receive her FREE Special Report, 10 Top Tips On Communicating With Your Child as a thank you bonus. Also receive a free and informative 45 minute coaching session.


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